Friday, April 25, 2008

Crisis of Conscience

I was reading up on Desktop Tower Defense news as usual, where one can find some interesting statistics, as of April 9th 2007:

Stats for 10 days of 1.2: Games Played: 3.9 Million, Towers Built: 139 Million, Creeps Killed (my favourite stat!): 1.5 Billion, Global Playing Time: 86 Years.

It just got me thinking, what could all of we DTD players have done with that 86 years? We probably could have built a couple of pyramids! There are lots of great volunteer organizations that could probably use my time. Or I could learn a new skill! But instead I play DTD.

So, how do you live with yourselves??

1 comment:

Elizabeth & Brian said...

DTD is more fun than food banks, that's how.